Sunday 11 June 2017


Assalamualaikum and hai

It is very long time no write anything here. Fuh, Alhamdulillah I just finish my first semester for degree last week. Degree life is quite challenging, but I love the university environment with udara nyaman pagi-pagi, jodoh-jodoh pun ramai untuk diusha. Hahaha nonsense. Actually, I love to see people struggling to improve their self in seeking knowledge, ikhlasly, And ya I always hope one fine day I will be like them and I hope Im not just hoping. I love lecture, but I hate exam. 

And I have my favorite lecturer, my history lecturer. Masha Allah, she always inspires me a lot. It is not because i love history but, i love the way she getting our attention about the society. One of the open-the-mind-lecture yang I still ingat, as the future teacher (insya Allah), kita tak sepatutnya hanya fokus untuk mengajar dekat sekolah je,sebab there are still a lot of anak-anak terbiar. Di chow kit, contohnya, ramai lagi anak-anak bangsa kita yang terbiar tanpa pendidikan. They need our love, they need our attention and they need the education. 

Ada je persatuan yang approach these kids. Tapi aku macam takde keyakinan lagi nak mendekati mereka. Emmm, I don't have enough knowledge yet how to handle the kids and I still have to improve myself a lot. Macam mana nak jadi orang yang betul-betul bertanggungjawab eh? 

Something like that la sharing tu, tapi you know it gave me a lot of impact. Petang lepas kelas tu, rasa macam tak tenang fikir pasal tu. Macam betul ke aku ni, berada di bidang pendidikan? Betul ke aku boleh pikul this kind of responsible? Berat. Nak didik anak bangsa untuk menghasilkan insan yang berkualiti ni amanah yang berat sebenarnya. We are not just teach them related to the syllabus, but we have to educate them, fix them. Tapi kita dulu kena baiki diri kita, persiapkan dengan ilmu-ilmu, esp ilmu agama, sebab dari situ kita boleh baiki diri kita at the same time others.

Doakan aku ye, supaya boleh jadi insan yang ikhlas dan boleh pikul tanggungjawab ni.

p/s: aku nak cerita pasal lain senanya, tapi tetiba masuk bab ni so macam takleh nak merepek dahla.
Sorry for my bad english dengan grammar berterabur (and i just dont know what title to put)