Wednesday 2 November 2016

I am here

Assalamualaikum and hai

Hello... anybody here? Krik krik
My belog has been so silent since i have not update it almost 6 months if im not mistaken. Really. My life was getting busy since last 4 months and i have no idea to write down here, storying like someone else reading here. And of course after i change the link, i lost my fan :p . I have la some people reading my belog cause overview stats is always improve day by day lulz.

Right now I am done with my foundation. And insya Allah in next Feb I will be going to Gombak which is main campus for IIUM. And Insya Allah if I can I will stay with Islamic studies. Emm jadi ustazah jugak ye aku. Before I decide to stay with this program, i through a lot of hardship you know. I never cry because of homesick or not enough money or cannot go for outing but it all because of i cannot endure with the level of hardness of arabic language. Emm Im not a language people anyway. I cannot brain with the nahu or grammar or tatabahasa. Im not that kind of person who follow the rule. But I ada darah sastera when it comes to writing a story like im doing right now, when I voice my feeling -..- . I am #sentimentalgirl. But Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah i managed to finish my foundation dengan nahu masih berterabur. 

And my final semester was done with thousands of wonderful memories. Not really missing it right now but i will. Wait for my life as foundation student ya. Coming soon.

By the way, do follow my instagram @by.niayahya
Do pray for my small business. Insya Allah I will try my best to provide you girls with a quality basic shawl. 

Sorry for all my mistakes. Spread the love. Assalamualaikum.