Friday 10 August 2018

All About Her


June 2015. 3 years ago, when I was in foundation, I lost my primary school friend. 

Ceritanya bermula ketika aku di tahun 3. First day of the school, we got a new student in our class, 3 Arif. She was from Convent Penang if i not mistaken. She and me not so close and not knew each other well. Time flied. We got knew each others better when we were in standard 5. There were some conflict between me and my other 3 friend, kira macam gang. Dulu, ada gang and dalam kelas macam-macam nama gang ada. Dealova la Gz's la Supernova la and the list go on. So assabiyyah. 

After the conflict between my gang and me, I join her and my another friend. Both of them just like my saviour la. So end up, 3 members in a gang got so close until the end of the day of primary school. UPSR result. Alhamdulillah, we got excellent result. Maka, bertebaran kami ke sekolah pilihan masing-masing. Actually, mine was not my choice :p 

And time flied again. 6 years, after the result of SPM and UPU. Both of us dapat masuk asasi UIA. She was doing Law. Lepas 6 tahun, kami bertemu kembali. Masa Taaruf Week (TaWe), first time kami berjumpa sebab dia nak pinjam something. Dan 2 weeks after Tawe, she asked me for outing. Dia nak tengok movie, San Andrews tak silap. So, we went to mid valley. She, I, her 2 roomates and her hometown friend. 

That was my second time in Mid Valley. With her. My first time was back 7 yrs ago (now 10 years ago), when we joined school trip to KL. Also with her. Our first time was be like, we ate ice cream mahal bapak tak ingat ice cream apa. Then, we bought socks at sox world sebab sejuk nak naik train. What coincidence. Dan our 2nd time, we she bought bottle and some stationaries at Daiso, and asked me to bought pink stuff like her. Then, we went to PDI for a tote bag. At first, I wanted the blue one. Tapi dia suruh ambil yang warna pink, just like her. And I not regret it.

Dan, masa balik petang tu dari mid, dia teman aku ke atm dekat Mahallah Umar. Dia ajak balik mahallah lalu dekat annex. Sambil jalan, sambil share cerita. A lot of stories. I hope I will not forget that day. Really hope. Cause it was the last. Dan, masa sampai KC, kami ke lobi to settle some stuff. Masa dia nak balik ke AC, she waving at me. It was the last moment I saw her. Happily, thanked me for the day. Thank you too sayang for the day. For the well spent day with me. Thank you for asking me to buy pink stuff just like yours. Today, they became the memories that I can touch...

10 days after the outing. It was in Ramadhan. 8th of Ramadhan. I walked to 8am class. Actually a night before, she asked my friend to buy her bus ticket for hari raya, as she couldn’t afford it. She said she was sick. Satu perkara yang aku menyesal, bila my friend refuse to do it, I support my friend because I thought she just giving an excuse sebab malas pergi beratur ramai-ramai. But, she was really sick. Dan I myself also ignored, tak wasap tanya pun untuk belikan tiket. Actually masa tu tengah geram sebab dia buat tak kenal aku dalam wasap group sekolah. So ego of me.  Kalau, kalau dan kalau aku rendahkan ego pergi bilik dia, ajak pergi beli tiket sekali…I could met her. For the last time. That was the night.

Masa tengah jalan nak gi kelas, ada a sister lintas aku. Bentuk tubuh sebijik macam dia. Dalam hati “ Tak tegur pun. Buat tak kenal aku…” I was soooo negative back then. Sekarang pun, tapi tengah belajar untuk jadi positif. So, aku terus berjalan ke SMAWP. Lama jugak tunggu lecturer. And my classmates from AC, told us that there was a death at her Mahallah. But I just ignored the news. I looked at the phone. Read the wasap. Ya Allah. The dead sister at AC, is my friend. It was her. 

Aku terus keluar kelas. Balik mahallah. Ke AC. Terserempak dengan my fellow. I asked. “ Betul ke madam ada sister meninggal?” She nodded. Seperti batu jatuh timpa kepala, air mataku tidak bisa ditahan dari mengalir. Aku menaiki anak tangga, menuju ke biliknya. Ramai sedang membacakan Yassin. Sekali lagi aku tanya roommate dia. “ Betul ke?”. And she nodded. Sebelum ke katil. Aku nampak beg PDI, botol pink Daiso. Sekali lagi, aku menangis. Menangis yang tiada guna, bila dosa kita sesama manusia tidak sempat diampunkan, kerana perginya dijemput Ilahi.

Ketika aku ditepi katil double decker. Aku cuba untuk buka selimut yang menutupinya. Hanya sempat melihat dahinya, baru sedar, ada polis lelaki melihat kami. Tutup kembali. Dan fellow tadi datang suruh aku keluar, sebab aunty dia dah sampai. Aku mennghabiskan sisa air mata di lobi AC. That was the last time. Tak tahu kenapa rajin sangat pergi kelas haritu. 

Kelas aku habis pukul 1. Terus berlari ke masjid untuk solat jenazah. But I was late. Solat dah selesai. Jenazah telah dibawa pulang. Bersama mama dan papanya. I just could not imagine how the feeling of her parents on their losing the only daughter and child. It hurt right?

Perginya dibulan mulia. Perginya ketika jihad menuntut ilmu. Perginya diiringi dengan tangisan orang yang menyayanginya. Jenazahnya disolatkan berpuluh-puluh manusia yang mendoakan kesejahteraannya. Semoga syurga tempatnya. Semoga aku dipertemukan kembali dengannya. Untuk memohon keampunan. Al-Fatihah.

AS. 23021997-23062015.

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