Wednesday 2 November 2016

I am here

Assalamualaikum and hai

Hello... anybody here? Krik krik
My belog has been so silent since i have not update it almost 6 months if im not mistaken. Really. My life was getting busy since last 4 months and i have no idea to write down here, storying like someone else reading here. And of course after i change the link, i lost my fan :p . I have la some people reading my belog cause overview stats is always improve day by day lulz.

Right now I am done with my foundation. And insya Allah in next Feb I will be going to Gombak which is main campus for IIUM. And Insya Allah if I can I will stay with Islamic studies. Emm jadi ustazah jugak ye aku. Before I decide to stay with this program, i through a lot of hardship you know. I never cry because of homesick or not enough money or cannot go for outing but it all because of i cannot endure with the level of hardness of arabic language. Emm Im not a language people anyway. I cannot brain with the nahu or grammar or tatabahasa. Im not that kind of person who follow the rule. But I ada darah sastera when it comes to writing a story like im doing right now, when I voice my feeling -..- . I am #sentimentalgirl. But Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah i managed to finish my foundation dengan nahu masih berterabur. 

And my final semester was done with thousands of wonderful memories. Not really missing it right now but i will. Wait for my life as foundation student ya. Coming soon.

By the way, do follow my instagram @by.niayahya
Do pray for my small business. Insya Allah I will try my best to provide you girls with a quality basic shawl. 

Sorry for all my mistakes. Spread the love. Assalamualaikum.

Monday 11 April 2016

Move On

Assalamualaikum and hai.

This is my first entry for this year. And before that, u guys should know that this blog was established on October 2011. Eh motive? 

Most of the entries was deleted and reverted to draft. Cause. I think I should not read and remembering them anymore. No need. Me or Us should not look backward anymore. Cause, they, the memories will hold you from looking for the new life. And they will kill our time. A lot.

And letting something or one go sometimes would be really hard. Most people suffer for their whole life because hoping for something that they really not sure will be theirs or not. But, c'mon guys... Be rational. You have your own life. Why must wasting our life for others? For thinking about others that we already know that never care about us. 

Guys, especially girls. Wake up. Dont too easy fall for wrong person. Never fall for false hope. It will kill you. And it really hurt. Trust me.

Because I am saying about my life. My own experience. And I really thanks to Him. Cause I realise it now. Not too late to me for looking new life. 

Move on guys. Something good is waiting for us.