Monday 31 August 2015


Assalamualaikum dan hai

Haip haip long time no see ya?! Of course la this is my first entry after I officially became iium student. Acecece jadi budak u dah pun aku.. Alhamdulillah  tapi at the same time sedih maa sebab terasa diri ni dah tua, dah cukup umur dah pun nak daftar pape 😭. Seriously la i really miss my childhood. Miss my life with less problem.

As today is merdeka day so at home i am. Cuti 4 hari derr... Heaven tau bila dah lame merantau pastu boleh balik rumah, 4 hari pun jadilah. Dua minggu lagi aku balik lagi cuti seminggu pastu pergi seminggu untuk final pastu balik untuk cuti sem tiga minggu pastu pi balik cfs untuk short sem and seterusnye...

Tapi kan malam ni kite dah nak  balik semula dah ke cfs and esok ade presentation and kena submit assignment. First assignment tau tak.. Sem ni rileks siket sebab belajar bahasa arab, english and subject course; islam and other religion in arabic -..- tapi ade la nangis dua tiga baldi sebab bahasa arab ni. My batch is the first batch that learn all the skills (research, study, thinking) and public speaking and course subject in arabic. Mau tak nangis aku. Sometimes nak tukar kos tapi nak kos ape..

Actually i really miss to study science. U know how boring i am when i just stay in the class and listen to lecture and i dont make any practical.  I miss physic, experiment and the calculation. I dont know whether i mischoose my course or not. Maybe ni ujian kot sebab nak senang kena bersusah dulu kan.? Tapi i miss science weii! Hahaha

Duk kat cfs banyak cabaran sebab it is my first experience to stay at hostel, i dont know what should i wear to class and i dont know what should i eat for my dinner. Sometimes i wasap my sisters '' sister sister what should i eat tonight, suggestion please'' but i only got bluetick -..-

But i really thanks to Allah because gave me awesome roomates ( i have 9 roomates and 8 of them are senior u know)  and supportive classmates ( they just like me yeee, giler-giler ). Bila orang tanye kitaorang 'korang kos ape?' kitaorang jawab ' irk'. 'What irk?' . What?!! IRK student have their own life la. We have our own right to enjoy this wonderful life as long as we jaga the ikhtilat. And... To be continued 3 weeks to go.
